The COLOR in babiDADDI’s logo symbolizes all races of men. It means that when it comes to being present as a daddi, the color of our skin makes no difference. We gather around a common cause and helping each other as equals only makes our sense of community grow stronger.
There is a new breed of men out here. We know how it feels to not have our fathers in our lives, but we are no longer victims of this vicious cycle. We are brave enough to start a new chapter and give this next generation the care and safety they need to develop to their fullest.
Being present is more than a show, it’s the realization that daily choices are the building blocks for better humans, and thus, better homes, communities and nations. We are stepping in to make sure more kids have a stable upbringing with both parental figures, reducing hardships from economical and emotional imbalance that single parent households lay on our kids.
Let's ignite a major change and give a new meaning to the name babiDADDI. Instead of an absent father figure it should evoke the learning process of becoming a father. And by learning we mean changing diapers, fixing bottles, late night runs to the emergency room, helping with homework and celebrating new achievements as they walk through life knowing for sure they are loved. Only then do we feel deserving of our children calling us father.
We are a support network for the new breed of babiDADDI out there
We are the ones who want to be in their children’s lives
We are taking action to learn how to be real fathers
We know how it feels to not have our fathers in our lives
We are together to learn and teach how to break the cycle of absent father figures that’s going on for too long.
The babiDADDI initiative came off with a system of support for the ones who are willing to deserve being called father but get lost in the custody and child care paperwork and sometimes can’t afford to get professional help. We created an information sharing network based on the paths we’ve already walked and we offer an alternative for earning the resources to step on your own way to daddihood.
Our mission is to help the young man whose kids are 6 years and younger and help them understand this is the most important time to be present in order to have a real relationship with your child.
Everyman should know that after your son or daughter gets to a certain age, the relationship would never be the same. That's why I target young men whose kids are still young enough for them to get back to the place so they can have a real relationship to break the generation curse.
When we go to organization we break down child support. A lot of young men don't understand how important it is to pay your child support from the beginning so as not to get put in debt
With child support we also help these guys find ways to be active with their child if the mother is not anticipating for any relationship with your child.
We also device creative ways in our programs and we would like the young ladies to attend the seminar. We will be talking to them on how important it is for them to let the child have a relationship with the dad. Moreover, we will also make sure that we let them know the child needs their father but also the father need the child in order to grow into being a man.
Besides, picking a mate at a young age to have a child with could also change your whole life on the perspective of parenting.
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What comes into your mind when you hear of the phrase “baby daddy?”It is a mind-blowing term! We know what you are thinking. It doesn’t necessarily refer to fathers who have completely ignored their parental duties. We are here to show the world a new meaning of babiDaddie opposite from the negative stereotyped inf
What comes into your mind when you hear of the phrase “baby daddy?”It is a mind-blowing term! We know what you are thinking. It doesn’t necessarily refer to fathers who have completely ignored their parental duties. We are here to show the world a new meaning of babiDaddie opposite from the negative stereotyped inference that the society has made us believe. We are a force of change to educate young men who become fathers at a very young age. We give them the hope and optimism they need that messing up at that young age is not the end of the world. You can still pull through towards becoming a better father to your kid.
We understand that it’s so painful to meet unreasonable demands of parenthood when you can’t even cater for your own basic
We understand that it’s so painful to meet unreasonable demands of parenthood when you can’t even cater for your own basic needs. That is why The babiDADDI movement works tirelessly towards preparing future adults to face life with lots of confidence and make them understand that they can still provide for their sons and daughters. To become a good father, you first need to be a good baby daddy. Being a babiDADDI is the constant growth process to becoming a father that we all can’t ran away from no matter
To grow up, we all go through significant stages that can’t get achieved on a single shot. In the same way, College Students don’t go to school on one day, declare themselves as professional doctors and expect to work in hospitals the next day. Daddi-hood is therefore not different at all. It gives you room to make mistakes geared towards becoming a better dad. It is until we all understand this perspective that we can become a better society that is ready to mould young boys to become
Funds are currently being raised with 10% of our profits directed towards giving motivational talks in schools to enlighten the young adults and teenagers on the painful consequences of unplanned paternity. WE also create forums of experience sharing of comprehensive content on several media channels to inspire a guided action among
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I have a resource if you have your child support papers and send it in to them. If you do not know how to get in contact with your child they will find your child’s address and give it to you.
However, if you do know where your child lives it would make it so much easier but won't stop the process.
I am not saying this work for every County but I have done this myself. One of the regulations is that if you have any assault on the mother of the kid they would not give you any information.
The second step is to go to the house on the day that is your court-ordered day for your visitation
While you are doing this if you don't get your child we have to call the police and get a report in order to start a motion to file in court for your visitation.
After you do this three times and she still doesn’t give you permission to see your kid now we have paper trail to make the court acknowledge that you are seriously trying to be active in your child’s life.
We all say that we want to be there for our kids but in order to do that through the court we have to do it the way that they want us to do it. So this is my way of putting ourselves in a position to really be seen in the court as Fathers as we've earned the right through being active babi daddies.
With the men position I would like to video tape and put this on social media to create awareness and also let other men know this is the process that you can take in order to start taking their court orders seriously.
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